Sunny Day

3 meters (9 feet) by 1.5 meters(4 1/2 feet), and 1 meter (3 feet) high

210 Kilograms (463 lbs.)

Materials Used:
Epoxy/ poly-chrome over wire, plaster, styrofoam core

Techniques Used:
Hand moulded/sculpted, applied epoxy, spray painted.


In the collection of the Kingsbrae Sculpture Garden, St. Andrew's, New Brunswick, Canada.
Second place prize winner in The 2016 Kingsbrae Sculpture Garden Competition.

What the artist is trying to say:
The idea for this sculpture occurred to me while near "Copper Head Road", Tennessee, while hiking the Appalachain Trail in April of 2015. The day was beautiful, warm, and sunny. While passing by a small pond in a verdant swale I chanced to observe a wood turtle sunning itself on a rock. As I paused to watch it, a large bumblebee landed on it's shell. Startled, the turtle turned it's head to look at the bee. Before I could get a photograph, the bumblebee flew away. However, the image imprinted in my minds eye, and the interplay of the animals of the Natural World haunted me. A beautiful sunny day is appreciated by creatures as well as humans. I titled the piece "Sunny Day".

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